As many of you may have noticed, our text and email reminders have changed a little bit. That is because we are transitioning to a new system called Vello! Vello's reminder schedule is set based on their research and we cannot adjust when they are sent out, we apologize if the timeline isn't best suited to your needs! We have also gained the ability to exchange text messages with Vello. Please be patient with us as we make this transition and try to adjust things to suit our hospital and all of you.
For our Petly users, we are sad to say that with the transition to Vello, Petly will eventually become unavailable to our clients. This was a decision made by the company we have been using that runs our old reminder system/petly (IDEXX). There will be something new and similar to replace Petly and we will let you all know what that is as soon as we know. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience as we navigate these system changes!
It's that time of year again! The sky will soon be lighting up with colors, bursts, and really loud booms. What might be fun for some, is a nightmare for others. For those of us with dogs and cats, the firework season can be especially frustrating. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to keep your dogs and cats comfortable and calm this year.
Keep your pets indoors. Loud noises can spark a flight response in our animals and they're likely to run off scared. Keeping them indoors can prevent lost and potentially injured animals. Microchipping your pets is a good safety backup for the pets that do happen to get out and run off. For more information on microchipping, give us a call. Drown out the noise. Turning on some soft music or keeping the TV on might help keep your pet distracted when the fireworks start going off. If possible, move them into a room with no windows. Your cats might hide in a dark space. Your dogs will probably want you nearby. Address the anxiety. Your pet may benefit from an anxiety vest or from a snug fitting t-shirt. Other pets might need medication to help the anxiety. If your pet needs anxiety medications for loud noises, please don't want to call and get them filled. Every June and July, we receive an influx of calls for anxiety medication. We do our best to fill them all quickly so they're available for pickup before the fireworks start, but with a high volume it takes us a little longer to get medications filled and we occasionally run into supply issues. The best way to ensure that your pet has the medications they need in time, call right away so we can start working on filling those medications! If you have any questions or would like to request a prescription for anxiety medications, please call us at 208-522-8010. All of us here at Countryside Veterinary Hospital wish everyone a safe and happy 4th of July! |